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Complete guide for clients: What to do in case of emergency on a boat?

Complete guide for clients: What to do in case of emergency on a boat?

Renting a boat can be an incredibly rewarding experience, whether it's for a fishing adventure, a relaxing ride, or a celebration on the water. However, it is essential to be prepared for any emergency that may arise during your time on the water. This complete guide will provide you with the necessary information to know how to act in various emergency situations on board.

Preparations before setting sail

Security inspection

Safety equipment review :

  • Life jackets : Check that there are enough life jackets for everyone on board and that they are in good condition. Each passenger must try on their vest to make sure it fits properly.
  • Fire Extinguishers : Make sure fire extinguishers are charged and accessible. Familiarize yourself with their location and how to use them.
  • Flares and emergency signals : Check that flares and other emergency signals are in good condition and store them in a dry and accessible place.

Knowledge of the boat :

  • Location of emergency equipment : Familiarize yourself with the location of all emergency equipment, including the first aid kit, VHF radio, and flotation devices.
  • Use practice : Do a brief practice on how to use each emergency equipment. This includes knowing how to turn on and use the VHF radio and how to handle flares and extinguishers.

Emergency plan

Discussion of the emergency plan :

  • Briefing : Before setting sail, gather all passengers and discuss the emergency plan. Make sure everyone understands what to do in an emergency.
  • Role Assignment : Assign specific roles to each passenger so everyone knows what to do in an emergency. For example, someone may be responsible for operating the VHF radio, while another is responsible for first aid.

Key information

Emergency contacts :

  • List of important numbers : Have a list of emergency contact numbers, including the coast guard, rescue services and shore emergency contact.
  • Communication Equipment : Make sure the VHF radio and other communication devices are working properly. Check the signal before setting sail.

Common emergencies and how to act

1. Medical emergency

First aid kit :

  • First-aid kit contents : Make sure the first-aid kit is well stocked with bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, specific medications according to the passengers' needs, and other essential supplies.
  • Location of the first aid kit : Store the first aid kit in a dry and accessible place. Everyone on board needs to know where it is and how to use its contents.

Medical procedures :

  • Assess the situation : Determine the severity of the medical emergency. Evaluate if it is a minor injury that can be treated on board or if a medical evacuation is necessary.
  • Call for help : Use the VHF radio to request emergency medical assistance, providing your position and details about the situation. Use channel 16, which is the international marine emergency channel.
  • Basic first aid : Administer the necessary first aid while waiting for professional help to arrive. This may include stopping bleeding, immobilizing fractures, or administering CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).

2. Man overboard

Immediate reaction :

  • Shout "man overboard" : Immediately alert everyone on board. This should be done loudly and clearly.
  • Keep in sight : Don't lose sight of the person in the water. Designate someone to maintain constant eye contact.
  • Throw a Float : Throw a flotation device toward the person. This can be a life preserver, floatation ring, or any other flotation device available.

Rescue maneuvers :

  • Slow down and turn : Steer the boat slowly toward the person in the water, approaching from the windward side (opposite side where the wind is blowing). Be careful not to step over the person.
  • Recover the person : Use a ladder or rescue device to help the person get on board. If the person is injured or unconscious, use appropriate rescue techniques to prevent further injury.

3. Fire on board

Immediate measures :

  • Turn off engines : If it is safe to do so, turn off engines immediately to reduce the risk of explosion.
  • Use extinguishers : Use the appropriate extinguisher to extinguish the flames. Make sure you are aiming for the base of the fire and not the smoke. Do not use water on electrical or fuel fires, as it can make the situation worse.

Evacuation plan :

  • Prepare to abandon ship : If the fire is uncontrollable, prepare to abandon ship. Make sure everyone is wearing life jackets and stay away from the fire area.
  • Use of flotation devices : Go to the flotation devices and make sure all passengers are safe and ready to leave the boat if necessary.

4. Engine failure or loss of control

Evaluation and communication :

  • Check the engine : Try to identify and solve the problem if you have mechanical knowledge. Check the fuel, cooling system and other basic components.
  • Contact the coast guard : If you cannot solve the problem, inform the coast guard of your situation and position. Provide details about the problem and the number of people on board.

Security measures :

  • Emergency anchor : If you are close to shore or in dangerous waters, drop the anchor to avoid drifting. This can help stabilize the boat and prevent collisions.

5. Collision or collision

Damage assessment :

  • Check for damage : Inspect the boat for structural damage or leaks. If there is a leak, try to seal it with emergency materials available on board.
  • Seal Waterways : Use emergency equipment, such as wooden plugs or waterproof cloth, to seal any water ingress.

Communication procedures :

  • Request Help : Use the VHF radio to report the collision and request assistance. Provide your location and details about the damage.
  • Prepare to evacuate : If the vessel is at risk of sinking, prepare to evacuate by following the emergency plan discussed before setting sail.

6. Adverse weather conditions

Prevention and preparation :

  • Monitor the weather : Always check the weather forecast before setting sail and during the trip. Use weather apps and the VHF radio for updates.
  • Proper equipment : Make sure the boat is equipped for adverse conditions. This includes life jackets, updated navigation equipment and additional flotation devices.

During the storm :

  • Reduce speed and make sure : Reduce speed and make sure all passengers are wearing life jackets. Maintain a safe and stable speed to avoid sudden maneuvers.
  • Maneuver carefully : Navigate with caution, avoiding sudden maneuvers. Keep the bow facing the waves to minimize the risk of capsizing.

Safety on the water depends on preparation, calm and quick response to emergencies. Follow this detailed guide to ensure you know how to act in various situations and ensure the safety of everyone on board. Practice and preparation can make the difference between a manageable emergency situation and a catastrophe.

For more information or for any questions about navigation safety, do not hesitate to contact us. Surf safely and enjoy your adventure!