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How to take care of the engine of a boat?

How to take care of the engine of a boat?

During 2020, most of us weren't able to enjoy our vacations as we were used to, due to the pandemic state the world is still in, so in 2021, most of us are eager to enjoy a summer at the beach . To have a good time at sea, it is advisable to rent a yacht or any other boat.

But there are many elements that must be considered when you want to enjoy the holidays, it is not enough to just rent the boat , it is also important to have enough knowledge to take care of it, and thus prevent accidents from happening, since these can be very dangerous at sea, especially for those who do not visit it often.

It is important to take some safety measures before sailing, so that this activity is as pleasant as it is safe. Among these precautions is to keep each of the parts of the boat in good condition, especially if it is a yacht.

To take care of your engine, here are some tips

One of the most important parts of taking care of boats is undoubtedly the engine, since all the operation of this means of maritime transport depends on it. It is for this reason that in this article we present some tips that will allow you to take care of the engine of your boat , so that you can take the necessary precautions when sailing.

Continue reading this publication, and you will be able to learn some very practical tips about the care of this important piece, so that your navigation can be as safe and comforting as possible.

Use quality oil

As with all engines, of any type of vehicle, those who use the boats need oil, but to keep them working optimally, this resource must be of quality, so that the engine does not work in a forced way, or wear out. your pieces prematurely. Quality lubricant can extend the life of your engine , which can save you money.

Do not start on the surface

Many people have a habit of testing the engine before entering the sea, and this can be very damaging to the engine, as the water serves as a lubricant . Starting the engine while on the ground can damage the pump impeller. It is advisable not to carry out this ignition even for a few seconds, but to move the boat until it enters the water.

You should wash it well after using it

This is another of the indications that many people skip, but it is really essential. After using any boat, it is important that you wash the engine well , that way you can prevent it from accumulating too much dirt, to the point that it breaks down and you cannot use it again until you repair it completely.

It is advisable to use fresh water for this wash, and allow it to circulate throughout this mechanical part for approximately 10 minutes, to remove as much dirt as possible.