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The best seasons to see marine species in Colombia

The best seasons to see marine species in Colombia

Colombia is considered one of the countries with the most marine biodiversity in the world due to its geographical location since it limits to the north with the Caribbean Sea and to the west with the Pacific Ocean, which makes it possible to find different species and marine ecosystems at different times of the year. . From tropical fish to sharks and whales you will find in Colombia if you program your plans for the appropriate seasons , either with a private boat rental or if you want to take a shared tour . Additionally, we will give you some recommendations so that you can get the most out of your trip to these incredible places.

Next, we will tell you the seasons to see these incredible species and plan your next trip.

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Snorkeling and Diving Season in the Caribbean

The Colombian Caribbean is one of the best places to enjoy beach vacations with family and friends; Likewise, you can enjoy getting to know the marine world more closely in the summer seasons, which are the months of January, July, August and December .
You can enjoy snorkeling activities and go to the Oceanarium in Islas del Rosario or live a diving experience in Barú , a group of islands near Cartagena where you can find coral reefs with a great variety of tropical fish . You can also go to the San Bernardo Archipelago, in Coveñas, where you can find species such as manta rays, dolphins and sea turtles .

Another perfect destination to discover marine species are the islands of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina , where you can do diving or snorkeling activities and see different types of fish, reefs, sea turtles and rays and at the same time you can swim in the beautiful sea of seven colors that awaits you.

Whale and shark watching season in the Pacific

If you want a more extreme experience, we recommend moving to the Pacific region of Colombia where, through excursions , you can visit places in the ocean where you will see whales and find species of sharks between the months of July to October .

You can go to Malpelo Island , which is known worldwide for being excellent for diving since you can do it while enjoying the extraordinary company of hammerhead sharks, Galapagos sharks, giant manta rays and another variety of sharks that, taking precautionary measures and adequate experience, will allow you to have one of the best sensations at sea. If you want a less risky activity, you can head to Gorgona Island where you can see sea turtles, dolphins and manta rays .

If you consider yourself a whale fan or would like to see a fascinating species of humpback whale, you cannot miss Bahía Solano, Nuquí and Buenaventura . Located in the Colombian Pacific and recognized for being perfect destinations due to their humpback whale watching season during their migration season.

Recommendations to get the most out of your season on the beaches of the Caribbean and the Pacific

  • Use your sunscreen items (blocker, sunglasses, cap or hat).
  • If you go with your friends or family and want a more private experience, reserve your boat in advance so that it has availability.
  • Follow the crew's recommendations to avoid accidents at sea.
  • Do not throw garbage or waste into the sea.
  • Always carry your belongings.
  • Communicate promptly with your advisor or guide in case of irregularities while taking your service.
  • If you are going to do diving activity, make sure to follow the instructor's recommendations.
  • If you go with children, always put a life jacket on them.
  • Someone in your family or close people always knows where you are going.

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