Guatapé Yachts
At we take care of finding the best boats to rent in Guatapé, in this city, we have an inventory of 10 yachts, boats and sailboats to rent according to your needs and budget. The rental value varies according to the number of hours, beaches to visit and of course, the type of boat you choose. We have a wide variety for all tastes and budgets. If you require additional services such as a DJ on board, a chef, organize a special event such as a proposal, a marriage or anything else that comes to mind, do not hesitate to ask us. We are your confidants on board.
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Total results: 10
Total results: 10
From $75 USD
Ability: 28 People.
Rental of magnificent Zhafired pontoon in Guatapé. It has capacity for 28 people on board; so, you can enjoy an unbeatable experience on board ...
Rental of magnificent Zhafired pontoon in Guatapé. It has capacity for 28 people on board; so, you can enjoy an unbeatable experience on board ...
Zhafired Pontoon
Fuel Capacity