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What to do in Guatape?

What to do in Guatape?

Guatapé is a small town that is located in the department of Antioquia, Colombia, approximately 80 kilometers east of the city of Medellín. This place, before becoming the touristic, colorful and charming place that it is today, was mainly an agricultural and livestock community, and in which the main source of income for a large part of the population was based; however, in the 1960s, the Colombian government decided to build the Peñol-Guatapé dam in the area to generate hydroelectric power and control flooding. The construction of this dam caused the flooding of a large part of the old town of Guatapé, including its church and other historical buildings. The population had to be relocated to a new location, known as the “urban zone”. Currently in this dam you can rent boats, pontoons and even houseboats to enjoy nature and views of famous properties.

Then, in order to make the town of Guatapé tourist, the idea arose to paint the baseboards of the houses with vibrant colors and maintain a period architecture, but well cared for and with elaborate designs. This initiative was led by the local artist Luz María Vélez, who proposed embellishing the facades of the houses as a way of rescuing the cultural identity of Guatapé and attracting tourists. The proposal was accepted and a campaign was carried out to paint the baseboards of the houses with unique and colorful motifs.

The transformation of Guatapé into what it is today, attracted the attention of tourists, both national and foreign. T ourism began to boom in the region, thus generating economic opportunities for the local community. Residents saw the potential of tourism and became actively involved in creating visitor-oriented services and businesses, such as restaurants, craft shops, and recreational nautical activities.

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Activities in Guatape

In Guatapé there are a variety of activities to enjoy during your visit. Some options are:

  • Rent a boat in Guatapé so you can explore the reservoir aboard a boat and admire the beautiful islands scattered in the water. The tours take you through the various properties of celebrities such as Maluma, J Balvin, Karol G, James Rodríguez, among others. Likewise, you can bring drinks and consume them during your stay on board; of course, absolutely nothing can be thrown into the water. So, you can rent pontoons , boats and even houseboats that you can rent by the hour and in the case of the houseboat, you can rent it to spend the night.


  • Climb the Piedra del Peñol: it is perhaps the main attraction of this place. It is a huge formation of granite, quartz and feldspar that has a height of approximately 200 meters and has a staircase of 740 steps that leads to the top. From there you can enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of the reservoir and its surroundings. The view from the top is wonderful where you will see a landscape made up of water, islands and mountains that offers a unique perspective of the natural beauty of this part of the region.

The history of Piedra del Peñol is related to its geological formation. It is believed to have originated millions of years ago as part of an underground rock mass that rose to the surface due to erosion and tectonic movement. The stone is well known for having a distinctive appearance, with a nearly vertical face that appears to defy gravity. As you climb the steps, you will find different landings with different viewpoints where you can stop and admire the partial view before continuing up. Reaching the top requires physical effort, but the reward of the view as you ascend is completely worth it. Also, when you get to the top, you will find a small tower that you can also climb to be even higher; Also, you will find souvenir shops and food stalls where you can buy souvenirs and enjoy snacks that they also sell, such as tutti fruttis, micheladas, etc. while enjoying the impressive views.

While, at the bottom, in the area surrounding the base of the stone, it has many restaurants, parks, rest areas where you can relax and enjoy a quiet environment and there is a parking lot for you to locate your personal vehicle.

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  • Practice water sports: the Guatapé reservoir offers the opportunity to enjoy activities such as water skiing where you can slide on the water while being towed by a speedboat. It is an exciting activity that requires balance and skill; In addition, you can practice paddleboarding, which is a calm and fun activity that has become increasingly popular and consists of standing up paddling on a surfboard with an oar; also, kayaking which is an excellent way to explore the reservoir and its closest surroundings; Also, you can rent a jet ski if you are looking for a dose of adrenaline and speed, this is a very good option.

These are some water sports options that are available in Guatapé. It should be mentioned that it depends on availability and weather conditions whether or not the activity can be carried out. If you wish to do any of these activities, it is recommended that you check with local tour operators for up-to-date information and to ensure safety measures are followed.


  • Tour the historic center of Guatapé: take a walk through the cobbled or cobbled streets of the historic center, admire the colorful houses with their painted plinths and enjoy the charm of the town. Visit the main square, where you can relax, have a drink and enjoy the local life. In this place you will find a charming and colorful area full of shops, restaurants, cafes and colonial architecture. For example: the painted houses that are one of the most distinctive features of the historic center where each one has its own unique design.

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  • Also, go to the main park, which is the heart of the historic center. It is a perfect place to rest and enjoy the calm environment; since it has benches, well-kept gardens and a central fountain. It is quite a popular place to socialize and relax.

  • Also , go to the Church of Nuestra Señora del Carmen: this is a landmark in the historic center. It is a white painted colonial church that has interesting architectural details where you can enter and admire its interior, as well as enjoy the panoramic views from the square in front of the church.

  • Craft shops: in the streets of the historic center you will find a wide variety of craft shops where you can buy local products such as traditional fabrics, ceramics, jewelry, woodwork, handmade products and all kinds of souvenirs.

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  • Restaurants and Cafes : The historic center of Guatapé has a wide selection of restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy local gastronomy and other international dishes or you can delight yourself with a Colombian coffee.

  • Viewpoints : From the historic center there are several viewpoints that offer panoramic views of the Guatapé reservoir and its surroundings. You can go up to some of the nearby viewpoints to appreciate the beauty of the surrounding nature.

  • Cultural Events: The historic center of Guatapé is the scene of various cultural events and festivities throughout the year. You may be lucky enough to witness a local celebration or participate in cultural activities, such as traditional music and dance performances.


  • Get to know the local gastronomy: try the delicious Colombian food from traditional dishes such as the bandeja paisa to dishes based on fresh fish and shellfish in the reservoir where there are many options to satisfy your appetite. The famous bandeja paisa is one of the most representative dishes of this region and of Colombia in general that contains rice, beans, meat (ground beef, chicharrón), blood sausage or stuffed sausage, chorizo, fried egg, fried ripe plantain, avocado and arepa ( some can add or remove products); also, trout is a popular fish in the area and you can find it prepared on the grill, baked or fried and it comes accompanied with potatoes, salad and a variety of sauces; likewise, the arepa of different presentations, can be only cheese or meat, egg and everything you can imagine; Additionally, you will find many traditional sweets and desserts such as cocada, figs with arequipe, bocadillo, among others; but, in addition to those traditional dishes, you will also find international options and more modern dishes. You can enjoy Italian food, seafood food, vegetarian dishes and other types of cuisine in the various restaurants and cafes in the area.

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  • You can explore the surrounding nature; since, Guatapé is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes. You can take walks or bike rides in the surroundings to enjoy the vegetation, rivers and mountains of the region.

  • You can visit coffee farms that are located near Guatapé where you can learn about the process of growing and producing Colombian coffee. You can take guided tours and taste different varieties of coffee.

  • Also, it is possible to find lodging in Guatapé and very close to the reservoir with a variety of options that adapt to different tastes and budgets where you will find everything from boutique hotels and resorts to hostels and country houses. Some of them offer views of the reservoir or are located in peaceful natural surroundings.

If you are visiting Colombia, a destination you should go to is Guatapé in the department of Antioquia, about 2 hours by land from the city of Medellín. You cannot miss admiring its impressive attractions with a delicious climate and very friendly people. It's perfect to clear your mind and do outdoor activities to get out of the routine.

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